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  • Writer's pictureFather Lance W. Harlow

Charity is beautiful

Fall in Vermont is quite stunning. The leaves change color quickly and with some rare warm days in October, it's been a pleasure to be outdoors taking it all in. We are not alone. There are "leaf-peepers" slowing down the traffic throughout the towns and villages, hoping to get that perfect glimpse and photo of our striking foliage. I, too, am struck by its beauty every year.

Where there is beauty there is also excitement. The same thing can be said about being a donor to The St. Nicholas Project. An act of charity is both beautiful and exciting. Supporting the Kurn Hattin Homes for Children is one of the most beautiful activities taking place this fall throughout Vermont--and it doesn't even slow down traffic on our Vermont country roads.

I received some very beautiful donations this week: a trombone for the music department; Bombas socks for the boys and girls in the cottages; a bag full of games; and, some financial donations. Each of these donations was exiting for me and I will be driving them down to the children's home in about two days.

Along the way, I will admire the fall foliage and the excitement of seeing those vibrant colors around every corner. But, I will be mostly excited about delivering these donations to the children's home where I know they will be so grateful to receive them.

Charity is beautiful. And a charitable donation to the Kurn Hattin Homes for Children is an exciting way to celebrate the fall foliage season. Please make a donation to the Kurn Hattin Homes for Children today!

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Linda M. Perrin
Linda M. Perrin
Oct 12, 2021


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