The Kurn Hattin Homes for Children is not an orphanage. An orphanage historically was a place where children who had no parents or family who could take them in were placed and raised by whoever ran the orphanage. These orphanages, and those who devoted their lives to orphaned children, played an essential role in history and saved thousands of lives.
Kurn Hattin plays an equally vital role in children's lives. While there may be some children there who do not have parents or family members, the vast majority of them do. For example, in 2018 only 2 out of 85 children at Kurn Hattin were technically "orphans." The other children were being raised by two parents, a single parent, grandparent, adoptive parent or were in state custody. They all came from difficult circumstances for a variety of reasons. The Homes came to their rescue and provided what their families could not provide. The children reside there for varying lengths of time depending upon the individual family circumstances.
Kurn Hattin is successful because of people like you--our St. Nicholas Project donors. Your donations keep the doors open for those families who have no place else to turn. Our donors love kids! While many of our donors will never know the exact reason for a child's placement at Kurn Hattin--for confidentiality-- they do know that the reasons must be compelling enough for a parent or grandparent to entrust the care of their child or children to the Homes.
Children at Kurn Hattin maintain contact with their families and spend vacations and other visits at their home, when it is possible for the families.
I encourage all of our wonderful donors to spread the news that Kurn Hattin exists for families. I am always meeting families in distress and I recommend Kurn Hattin to them. As the restrictions from the Coronavirus continue and as families struggle even more with socio-economic troubles, the need has become even greater for families to turn to Kurn Hattin for help.
To learn more about Kurn Hattin, just visit their website: We need donors to make financial and material contributions to the Homes, but I would love for all of you to tell a family-in-crisis about the great work taking place there and to
offer it to them as a haven for their children.
God bless you!