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  • Writer's pictureFather Lance W. Harlow

Happy Birthday to Me!

June 14th is my birthday. I usually try to keep a low profile because I am shy and don't like being the center of attention--usually. Unless, it's for a good cause. The Kurn Hattin Homes for Children is my favorite cause, so I was especially pleased when people made donations to Kurn Hattin in honor of my birthday. It was the best birthday present ever!!

If you want to honor somebody--a family member, friend, or co-worker---especially that person "who has everything"--consider making a gift in his or her honor to the children's home. The person's name will be published in their bulletin and it is the perfect way to express your love and friendship. Why? Because it's a triple blessing: 1) You've given attention to somebody you love; 2) You've helped children from troubled homes; and, 3) You feel great by doing it!

This year my parents, who have been such faithful supporters of the St. Nicholas Project, made a donation in honor of my "39th" birthday. It's a tongue-in-cheek joke and the Kurn Hattin Development Office appreciated the humor, too. But I was so deeply moved and it was fun. Donating to a charity should be fun and bring joy into your life and the lives of others.

Please make a donation during the summer months in honor of a loved one, a graduate, a co-worker, a wedding anniversary, or for somebody who is turning "39" again this year. You'll enjoy it!

God bless you!

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